website optimization
SEO site optimization (search engine optimization) — is one of the ways to promote the website, the purpose of which is to improve the position of the website in the list of search results for certain key queries. The position in the list of search results is determined by the relevance of the document (site page). That is, the more accurate (relevant) the site page answers the question, the higher it is in the search results. So, to answer the query, it is enough to create a landing page and optimize the landing for the search query? If only it were that simple! How to choose an seo company? First, let’s understand what relevance is.
Relevance — the degree of compliance of the site page with the entered search query. In fact, the relevance of the page is evaluated by the degree of usefulness of the answer (site page) to the question (search query). The more adequate (relevant) the answer, the higher the search results on the request will be a page of the site.
Seo site optimization is a set of measures to optimize each element of the page in order to increase the relevance of the entire page of the site
When you do SEO site optimization, it is necessary to clearly represent each page of the site in its place. Under what query the page will be optimized, and how it will be linked to other pages. Creating a logical reference structure of the site is the most important part of SEO analysis of the site. For this reason, SEO optimization of pages should be carried out in strict accordance with the General logic of all pages of the site.
How to choose an seo company?
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A website from the SEO point of view is a set of pages united by one theme. All pages of the site and the content of these pages should be arranged in such a way that each page has an exact match to your request. SEO optimization of each page of the site, in a link with the rest of the pages, will give an excellent result and the correct SEO optimized site.
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So, now you know what is SEO optimization and how it is important. Also you know how to choose an seo company. Just try it and the results will be very soon.
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