6 rules on how to choose jeans | % |
May 20, 1873 the 1st jeans company received a license to manufacture its star invention: pants with rivets on the pockets. Then these sturdy and practical trousers were gray. But soon the company moved to a more attractive and no less durable blue fabric. And since the middle of the XX century jeans, which were at the beginning of the attribute of gold miners and farmers, have become a fashionable trend – clothing, incredibly popular among men and women of all ages and classes.
Nowadays, jeans are perceived as a completely everyday thing for any person, from the poor to the millionaire. As a fashionable garment, they have undergone so many changes and acquired so many variations that you can not understand at once. Even the one who seems to have spent half his life in the “jeans”, too, is something to be surprised, going for a new thing.
Where to buy
You need to understand that to look for quality jeans in the clothing market is almost meaningless: if they are there, it is only a miracle. Therefore, all the tips, which will be discussed below, relate to the choice of jeans in the store, especially specializing in denim clothing. Recently several brands of jeans clothes developed by domestic designers, for example, Starz Denim
So read the rules below to be able to find your best pair of jeans!

The right fabric is the first thing that starts the selection of quality jeans. In classic cotton it will be dense and rough to the touch and quite heavy. Jeans should not produce impression sewn from rags, even if they summer and on them went very thin fabric.
After the tactile sense in the course is visual.
Good denim has a right twill weave: diagonal scars on the fabric are directed from right to left and from top to bottom. If you got the option of weaving “Christmas tree” – even better! It is used less frequently and on a thinner fabric that never gives the effect of twisting when worn. By the way, both types of such weaving will be unpainted from the inside, unless the fabric is double black or similar to it (that is, one in which both threads – ducks and the base – are initially equally coloured)
But poorly visible weave, painted to match the outside of the wrong side and uneven weave fabric – a sign of poor-quality jeans, which is better not to take.
Finally, the classic denim fabric consists of 100% cotton, although in recent years it has increasingly been added elastane – from 2 to 7%. Two percent make the fabric more sock and avoid blisters on the knees, and seven are used when you need to make a fabric with a stretch effect, stretched when worn and tight-fitting body.
Zippers, rivets
Accessories, labels, branded patches – all this can serve as another confirmation of the quality of the product.
High-quality jeans accessories will be exclusively metal – no plastic and close can not be! Zipper on the fly – only metal, and about the buttons and say nothing. Even if the manufacturer decided for some reason not to use the classic “bolts” and the usual buttons, they will be made of metal. And about the rivets on the pockets and can not speak
Labels on good jeans will always be made of fabric, and the inscriptions on them – not printed, but embroidered. You can see it on any pair of jeans of Starz Denim. And this applies to all labels: and internal labels, and information stripes with information about the manufacturer, the composition of the fabric, washing conditions and everything else.
But the rule of “do these jeans brand label can only be leather” forget – it long ago receded. On this went even producer the most first and legendary jeans, not to mention his followers. Increasingly, brand patch is thick leather and dense weave. The condition here is only one: all the inscriptions on the label should correspond to the logo and be well read. If the patch causes some doubts from buying the best avoided: the product quality may be below traditional.

If the quality of the fabric and accessories on top, you can try on jeans for yourself. Come to Starz Denim and try. You can find everything in this store. As a rule, we go to the store, well aware of the desired size of jeans – the coveted ratio W (waist) and L (length). But it happens that the manufacturer instead of the usual designations decides to resort to a simple digital or alphabetic system of sizes – and on the label instead of W32/L34 (waist – 32 inches, length – 34 inches) suddenly appear just L or just 46. Then it is better not to believe the printed word for it and check for yourself.
You can take a thing without fitting only if you always buy jeans of the same model of a certain manufacturer, and you know exactly what they will “sit
Try on
But many men still run the risk of taking jeans without trying. If the figure is standard, then this method will help to determine the size. As a rule, just sit at the waist jeans, inside which at waist level when they’re buttoned, you can put the forearm from the elbow to the end balled into a fist palm. The hand got in – the right size, dangling or not – more or less than necessary. But in order not to get into a leak, this method of fitting is better to check at home on your favourite jeans and know exactly whether you need to straighten your fist or in all available jeans and forearm-it does not fit. Then it is necessary to remember how many centimetres does not fit – and all!
To choose the appropriate length of jeans is much easier. If it is specified in an unusual way, you can simply attach the belt to the waist or hips, depending on the model, and see where the pants end. They should reach almost to a floor, then in the put-on state they will look on couple of centimetres shorter. Even more precisely, the way in which the pants can be measured from the perineum, but not everyone will decide on it, especially in a public place.
And the last, that concerns size. As a rule, it is best for the male figure look jeans where the waist size is chosen according to the formula “one inch minus”. That is, they should be fastened with some effort, but it is not necessary to draw in the stomach. Try on jeans, you should try to sit down in them. If they never are pinching painfully, cut or clench thighs like a vice – it’s the right size.
Cut and silhouette
The method of squatting is not very suitable if you choose jeans cut “loose”, they are the same pipe. These jeans will not pinch anything by definition. A squat is the best way to check jeans traditional like “regular fit”, that is straight along the entire length. You can also try to check and slightly narrowed “slim fit”, or compromise versions of “relaxed fit” (a little more free than the classic) and “carrot fit” (very narrow at the bottom and wide at the top), but sitting in the cling “skinny fit” such a test is better not to expose. Although they will probably cope: that’s what cut jeans are sewn from fabric with the highest elastane content.
However, a suitable cut, as a rule, you already know. And this advice applies to most of the cases when you want to try something new or need to deal with what was brought by the seller. But it is not necessary to memorize all the above and below types of cut and silhouette – it is easier to turn your head in search of a poster with their description, which hangs in most of special stores near the fitting rooms or shelves with products like it is in every store of Starz Denim. Another option is to ask the seller to explain what this or that type of cut means, but there is a risk of meeting a beginner who is also not very familiar with these subtleties.

It is not superfluous to know the three main types of
How to understand what will suit you
Of course, everyone chooses for himself what he wears jeans, and universal solutions can not be here. But there are a few basic rules that are probably worth remembering.
High rise jeans visually lengthen the legs and shorten the torso, and low rise – on the contrary. Option cut “carrot fit” is not suitable if you do not want to emphasize the wide hips, and for the same reason you should not choose a silhouette “tapered”. Silhouette “bootcut” will fit someone with really big feet, because it visually will make it less a “tapered”, by contrast, will allow visually enlarge a small stalk. At the same time, those who prefer massive shoes with thick soles, and even purely cowboy style, nothing better than “boot cut” is not found, while fans of sneakers and such light shoes on a thin sole it will not work.
And another consideration about features of socks jeans. The leg that a person standing end above the shoes look a little short. So it is worth wearing unless jeans cut “slim fit”, “carrot fit” or “skinny fit”. In other cases, it is better to choose such an option, in which the bottom of the leg half covers the heel and forms a light accordion in front. Then you’re sitting it will not rise too high, unnecessarily exposing the ankle, while standing will look like borrowed from a more short-legged companion.
So you see that there are a lot of moments that you have to keep in mind to find the best pair of your jeans. First of all, you have to understand that you need to spend time to search, to try on and to find the best pair. We can recommend a store with a big variety and high-quality goods, where for sure you will find your best pair! STARZ DENIM.
- All of their products are designed and developed in Europe
- True to fit & choosing premium fabric
- Various shapes and sizes
If you want to search for another company, you, of course, can do it. But if you want to find the best pair of jeans and not to lose your time, so come to STARZ DENIM.